Publikationen - Dateien - Waldmann Publikationen - Dateien - Waldmann in press__category transfer.pdf in press__rational rats.pdf in press__heuristics in press__NagelWaldmann_Force dynamics as a basis for moral intuitions.pdf in press__causal reasoning in press__WaldmannWiegmann_The role of the primary effect in the assessmant of intentionality and morality.pdf 2014_SamlandWaldmann_Do social norms influence causal inferences.pdf in press_moral judgment 2013_SchloeglWaldmannFischer_Understanding of and reasoning about object-object relationships in long-tailed macaques.pdf 2013_NagelWaldmann_Deconfounding distance effects in judgment of moral obligation.pdf 2012_rats distinguish betwenn absence 2012_introduction special section 2011_Waldmann_Neuraths-ship.pdf 2010_a double causal contrast theory.pdf 2010_agents and causes.pdf 2010_causal reasoning.pdf 2010_causal schemas.pdf 2010_causal thinking.pdf 2010_distance effects.pdf 2010_observing and intervening.pdf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 11 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte
in press__WaldmannWiegmann_The role of the primary effect in the assessmant of intentionality and morality.pdf
2013_SchloeglWaldmannFischer_Understanding of and reasoning about object-object relationships in long-tailed macaques.pdf