Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Aktuelle Publikationen
- Ji, J. L., Woud, M. L., Rölver, A., Notebaert, L., Todd, J., Clarke, P. J., ... Blackwell, S. E. (in press). Investigating the role of mental imagery use in the assessment of anhedonia. Cognition and Emotion.
- Bagheri, M., Woud, M. L., Simon, J., Abdalla, L., Dombrowe, M., Woinek, C., ... Blackwell, S. E. (in press). Inducing positive involuntary mental imagery in daily life using personalized photograph stimuli. Memory., PMID: 39288236, ISSN: 0965-8211.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (In press). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16- to 18-month-olds. Infancy.
- Pittig, A. & Pittig, R. (2024). Individualisierte Exposition bei Angststörungen: Mehr Flexibilität statt „Habituation für alle“. Die Psychotherapie, 69, 67–82.
- Hampe, T., Fürstberger, L., Kordsmeyer, T. L., Penke, L., Mahler, A. M., Mäder, C. M., ... Krohn, S. (2024). Impact of occlusal stabilization splints on global body posture: a prospective clinical trial. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 28, 505.
- Kesim, I. E., Pittig, A. & Wong, A. H. (2024). The effect of typicality training on costly safety behavior generalization. Psychological Research, 88, 1771-1782.
- Schreiner, M., Zetterson, M., Bergmann, C., Frank, M., Fritzsche, T., Gonzalez-Gomez, N., ... Lippold, M. (2024). Limited evidence of test‐retest reliability in infant‐directed speech preference in a large preregistered infant experiment. Developmental Science, e13551.
- De Nicola, R., Blackwell, S. E., Hirata, E. & Daniels, J. (2024). ‘Knees being set on fire’: a qualitative study exploring the impact of intrusive mental imagery on chronic pain patients. the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 17, e19., ISSN: 1754-470X.