Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Aktuelle Publikationen
- Trußner, T., Albrecht, T. & Mattler, U. (in press). Metacontrast masking does not change with different display technologies. A comparison of CRT and LCD monitors. Behavior Research Methods.
- Thürmer, J., Scheier, M. & Carver, C. (in press). On the mechanics of goal striving: Experimental evidence of coasting and shifting. . Motivation Science.
- Kiefer, C., Woud, M. L., Blackwell, S. E. & Mayer, A. (in press). Average treatment effects on binary outcomes with stochastic covariates. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology., ISSN: 2044-8317.
- Grassi, F., Kulke, L., Lepauvre, A. & Schacht, A. (2024). Relevance acquisition through motivational incentives: Modeling the time-course of associative learning and the role of visual features. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-20.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (2024). Investigating the role of verbal cues on learning of tool-use actions in 18- and 24-month-olds in an online looking time experiment. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2(1411276).
- Vrijsen, J. N., Grafton, B., Koster, E. H., Lau, J., Wittekind, C. E., Bar-Haim, Y., ... Wiers, R. W. (2024). Towards implementation of cognitive bias modification in mental health care: State of the science, best practices, and ways forward. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 104557., ISSN: 0005-7967.
- Kuck, S., Ehring, T., Dyer, A., Pittig, A., Peikenkamp, J., Morina, N., ... Krüger-Gottschalk, A. (2024). Sudden gains in routine clinical care: application of a permutation test for trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), 2335796.
- Bothe, R., Trouillet, L., Elsner, B. & Mani, N. (2024). Words and arbitrary actions in early object categorization: weak evidence for a word advantage. Royal Society Open Science, 11(2), 230648.