Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Aktuelle Publikationen
- Hartwig, T. & Boos, M. (In press). The surge in digitalization: new challenges for team member collaboration. Handbook of Virtual Work. (1). (). Cheltenham: Edward Elger.
- Driebe, J. C., Stern, J., Penke, L. & Gerlach, T. M. (in press). Probing the predictive validity of ideal partner preferences for future partner traits and relationship outcomes across 13 years. European Journal of Personality.
- Thürmer, J., Scheier, M. & Carver, C. (in press). On the mechanics of goal striving: Experimental evidence of coasting and shifting. . Motivation Science.
- Hilbert, K., Böhnlein, J., Meinke, C., Chavanne, A., Langhammer, T., Stumpe, L., ... Lueken, U. (2024). Lack of evidence for predictive utility from resting state fMRI data for individual exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes: a machine learning study in two large multi-site samples in anxiety disorders. NeuroImage, 295, 120639.
- Steffan, A., Zimmer, L., Arias-Trejo, N., Bohn, M., Dal Ben, R., Flores-Coronado, M., ... Schuwerk, T. (2024). Validation of an open source, remote web-based eye-tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy. 1-25.
- Madhavan, R. & Mani, N. (2024). The quality of caregiver-child interaction is predicted by (caregivers’ perception of) their child’s interests. Royal Society Open Science, 11(4), 231677.
- Wong, A. H., Pittig, A. & Engelhard, I. M. (2024). The generalization of threat beliefs to novel safety stimuli induced by safety behaviors. Behavioural Brain Research, (470), 115078.
- Glück, V. M., Engelke, P., Wong, A. H., Hilger, K., Boschet, J. M., Pittig, A., ... Pittig, A. (2024). A network perspective on real‐life threat, anxiety, and avoidance. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 80, 23-38.