2018 Workshop on Clinical Decision Making

Theme: Unraveling the Clinical Process


We invite you to come to the 2018 Workshop on Clinical Decision Making, organized together with the COGITA research network (www.gutfeelingsingeneralpractice.eu), May 17th -18th, at the University of Goettingen. The workshop brings together practitioners and researchers from medicine and psychology who are interested in the psychological processes underlying clinical reasoning and decision making. The aim of the research is to better understand how clinicians make their judgments and choices.

Keynote speakers will be Professor Nancy Kim from Northeastern University, Boston USA, Professor Wolfgang Gaissmaier from Konstanz University, Germany, and Professor Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, University of Marburg, Germany.

You are invited to present your research at the workshop. Presentations on empirical findings, systematic reviews of findings, theoretical ideas, and methodological issues are welcome. See Submission and Registration for further information.

The workshop is supported by the University of Goettingen, Univerity Medical Center Goettingen, European Association for Decision Making, and Leibniz ScienceCampus Primate Cognition.

We hope to see you at the workshop!

Johannes Hauswaldt and York Hagmayer (local organizers)