Department for Cognition, Emotion and Behavior


Our research focuses on cognition and behavior, and their modulations by context conditions and individual aspects. We investigate a variety of cognitive and information processing processes, including in the domains of perception, language, face cognition, learning, and judgment and decision making. In particular, we focus on influences of motivational, emotional, and social aspects and also model interindividual differences. In order to address the complexity of the research questions, we are committed to a multi-method approach. We consistently combine established behavioral paradigms with a variety of physiological and neural measures, including electrophysiology, peripheral physiology, and neuroendocrinology.

Research areas:

  • Motivational and emotional impacts on perception and cognition
  • Moral judgments and decision-making
  • Social signals in human communication
  • Cognition in social contexts
  • Face cognition
  • Associative learning and meaning acquisition
  • Semantic, syntactic and para-linguistic language processing
  • Hormone-cognition interactions and variations of cognitive functions

Methods and measures:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG)/Event-related brain potentials (ERPs)
  • Eye tracking (mainly in simultaneous co-registration with ERPs), Pupillography
  • Electrodermal and respiratory activity
  • Facial muscle activity (via EMG recordings)
  • Behavioral performance measures
  • Human Intracranial Electroencephalography (iEEG; in collaborations)
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI; in collaborations)


 For more information on individual projects, see Research.

Requests for theses in our department should be sent by email to (Subject: "Abschlussarbeit"). Please include your current transcript of records and a brief statement of motivation, explaining your interest in the specific topic.