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- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (In press). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16- to 18-month-olds. Infancy.
- Koniusch, F., Tameling, J.-F., Hautz, D., Boos, M. & Ritter, M. (In press). Stärkung von Beziehungen zwischen Erasmus+-Studierenden und Bewohner*innen des Gastlandes: Einflüsse und Maßnahmen. Interculture Journal.
- Hartwig, T. & Boos, M. (In press). The surge in digitalization: new challenges for team member collaboration. Handbook of Virtual Work. (1). (). Cheltenham: Edward Elger.
- Frijters, P., Gangl, K. & Torgler, B. (in press). How to tax the powerful and the sophisticated. (). : Routledge.
- Bagheri, M., Woud, M. L., Simon, J., Abdalla, L., Dombrowe, M., Woinek, C., ... Blackwell, S. E. (in press). Inducing positive involuntary mental imagery in daily life using personalized photograph stimuli. Memory., PMID: 39288236, ISSN: 0965-8211.
- Steinebach, P., Stein, M., Penke, L. & Schnell, K. (in press). Together in a digital world: Motivational states, affect, and relationship quality in couples’ messenger communication. Interpersona.
- Bleijlevens, N., Ciesla, A. & Behne, T. (in press). When language background does not matter: Bilingual children disambiguate and learn novel words just like their monolingual peers. Developmental Science.
- Thürmer, J., Scheier, M. & Carver, C. (in press). On the mechanics of goal striving: Experimental evidence of coasting and shifting. . Motivation Science.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (In press). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16- to 18-month-olds. Infancy.
- Ji, J. L., Woud, M. L., Rölver, A., Notebaert, L., Todd, J., Clarke, P. J., ... Blackwell, S. E. (in press). Investigating the role of mental imagery use in the assessment of anhedonia. Cognition and Emotion.
- Blackwell, S. E., Rölver, A., Margraf, J. & Woud, M. L. (2025). The effect of positive mental imagery versus positive verbal thoughts on anhedonia. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 17, e12626.
- Lucca, K., Yuen, F., Wang, Y., Alessandroni, N., Allison, O., Alvarez, M., ... Hamlin, J. (2025). Infants’ social evaluation of helpers and hinderers: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study. Developmental Science, 28, e13581.
- Speiger, M. L., Rothmaler, K., Liszkowski, U., Rakoczy, H. & Grosse Wiesmann, C. (2025). Evidence that altercentric biases in a continuous false belief task depend on highlighting the agent's belief. Cognition, 256, 106055.
- Duken, S. B., Moriya, J., Hirsch, C., Woud, M. L., van Bockstaele, B., Salemink, E., ... Salemink, E. (2025). Reliability and validity of four cognitive interpretation bias measures in the context of social anxiety. Behavior Research Methods, 57, 48.
- Matura, J.-M., Kessler, H., Holmes, E. A., Timmesfeld, N., Tokic, M. C., Axmacher, N., ... Kehyayan, A. (2025). Comparing a new visuospatial intervention administered 3 days after a trauma film to reduce the occurrence of intrusive visual memories: A single-center randomized, controlled trial in healthy participants. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
- Trußner, T., Albrecht, T. & Mattler, U. (2025). Metacontrast masking does not change with different display technologies. A comparison of CRT and LCD monitors. Behavior Research Methods, 57, 30.
- Sivridag, F. & Mani, N. (2024). Children’s word learning from socially contingent robots under active vs. passive learning conditions. HRI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 669–677.
- Schmidt, M. F., Vaish, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2024). Don't neglect the middle ground, Inspector Gadget! There is ample space between big special and small ordinary norm psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(1), 69-71.
- Eiteljoerge, S., Matzerath, A., Gweon, H. & Mani, N. (2024). Infants follow the gaze of same-age peers, young children, and adults. Social Development, 34(1), e12786.
- Driebe, J. C., Stern, J., Penke, L. & Gerlach, T. M. (2024). Stability and change of individual differences in ideal partner preferences over 13 years. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50, 1263-1279.
- Gagsch, F., Valuch, C. & Albrecht, T. (2024). Measuring attentional selection of object categories using hierarchical frequency tagging. Journal of Vision, 24(7), 1-22.
- Engelmann, J., Völter, C., Goddu, M., Call, J., Herrmann, E., Rakoczy, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2024). Modal reasoning in non-human animals: Possible ways forward. Biology Letters, 20(6).
- Kesim, I. E., Pittig, A. & Wong, A. H. (2024). The effect of typicality training on costly safety behavior generalization. Psychological Research, 88, 1771-1782.
- Pittig, A. & Pittig, R. (2024). Individualisierte Exposition bei Angststörungen: Mehr Flexibilität statt „Habituation für alle“. Die Psychotherapie, 69, 67–82.
- Würtz, F., Kube, T., Woud, M. L., Margraf, J. & Blackwell, S. E. (2024). Reduced Belief Updating in the Context of Depressive Symptoms: An Investigation of the Associations with Interpretation Biases and Self-Evaluation. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 1--17.
- Bothe, R., Eiteljörge, S., Trouillet, L., Elsner, B. & Mani, N. (2024). Better in sync: Temporal dynamics explain multisensory word-action-object learning in early development. Infancy.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (2024). Investigating the role of verbal cues on learning of tool-use actions in 18- and 24-month-olds in an online looking time experiment. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2(1411276).
- Schmid, B., Bleijlevens, N., Mani, N. & Behne, T. (2024). The cognitive underpinnings and early development of children’s selective trust. Child Development.
- de Eccher, M., Mundry, R. & Mani, N. (2024). Children’s subjective uncertainty-driven sampling behaviour. Royal Society Open Science, 11(4), 231283.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (2024). Investigating the role of verbal cues on learning of tool-use actions in 18- and 24-month-olds in an online looking time experiment. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2(1411276).