Dorothee Mischkowski

Room: Room 1.106, Goßlerstr. 14, 37073 Goettingen
Phone: +49 551 39 - 20625
Fax: +49 551 39 - 13570
Office hours:  by arrangement

Research area

  • Cooperation Behavior in Social Dilemmas
  • Cheating Behavior
  • Legal Judgement
  • Moral Judgement

Acadameic Career

Since 2013: Research Assistant at the Department of Psychological Assessment, Judgement and Decision Making at Goettingen University

2012: Master of Science in Psychology at Heidelberg University

2009: Bachelor of Science in Economic Psychology at University of Applied Sciences Harz



Mischkowski, A. D., & Klauk, B. (2011). Narcissists as Risk Factors for Companies. Psychology and Empiricism of the Narcissistic Disorder. Personalführung, 2, 16-24.