- Baumann, L., Schidelko, L., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (preprint). Even 3- and 4-year-olds master some modal reasoning tasks – if they have a more agentive structure.
- Meyer, M. M., Proft, M., Engelmann, J. & Rakoczy, H. (preprint). Explicit metacognition at age 3.
- Meyer, M. M., Proft, M., Engelmann, J. & Rakoczy, H. (preprint). Young children demonstrate improved metacognitive competence in social contexts.
- Schidelko, L., Baumann, L., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (preprint). Do theory of mind and mental time travel abilities build on joint cognitive foundations?.
- Schidelko, L. & Rakoczy, H. (preprint). Why do children from age four fail true belief tasks? A decision experiment testing competence versus performance limitation accounts.
- Schreiner, M. S., Zettersten, M., Bergmann, C., Frank, M. C., Fritzsche, T., Gonzalez-Gomez, N., ... Lippold, M. (preprint). Limited evidence of test-retest reliability in infant-directed speech preference in a large pre-registered infant sample.
- Titchener, R., Thiriau, C., Hüser, T., Scherberger, H., Fischer, J., Keupp, S., ... Keupp, S. (Preprint). Social disappointment and partner presence affect long-tailed macaque refusal behaviour in an "inequity aversion" experiment.
In Press
Accepted Pending Data Collection
- Lucca, K., Yuen, F., Wang, Y., Alessandroni, N., Allison, O., Alvarez, M., ... Hamlin, J. (2025). Infants’ social evaluation of helpers and hinderers: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study. Developmental Science, 28, e13581.
- Speiger, M. L., Rothmaler, K., Liszkowski, U., Rakoczy, H. & Grosse Wiesmann, C. (2025). Evidence that altercentric biases in a continuous false belief task depend on highlighting the agent's belief. Cognition, 256, 106055.
- Bleijlevens, N. & Behne, T. (2024). Young children and adults use reasoning by exclusion rather than attraction to novelty to disambiguate novel word meanings. Developmental Psychology.
- Blomberg, I., Schünemann, B., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2024). Adults and children engage in subtle and fine-grained action interpretation and evaluation in moral dilemmas. Cognitive Science, 48, e70012.
- Engelmann, J., Völter, C., Goddu, M., Call, J., Herrmann, E., Rakoczy, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2024). Modal reasoning in non-human animals: Possible ways forward. Biology Letters, 20(6).
- Schmid, B., Bleijlevens, N., Mani, N. & Behne, T. (2024). The cognitive underpinnings and early development of children’s selective trust. Child Development, 00, 1-18.
- Schmidt, M. F., Vaish, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2024). Don't neglect the middle ground, Inspector Gadget! There is ample space between big special and small ordinary norm psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(1), 69-71.
- Steffan, A., Zimmer, L., Arias-Trejo, N., Bohn, M., Dal Ben, R., Flores-Coronado, M., ... Schuwerk, T. (2024). Validation of an open source, remote web-based eye-tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy, 29(1), 31-55.
- Bleijlevens, N., Contier, F. & Behne, T. (2023). Pragmatics aid referent disambiguation and word learning in young children and adults. Developmental Science.
- Colle, L., Grosse, G., Behne, T. & Tomasello, M. (2023). Just teasing! - Infants’ and toddlers’ understanding of teasing interactions and its effect on social bonding. Cognition, 231, 105314.
- Engelmann, J., Völter, C., Goddu, M., Call, J., Rakoczy, H., Herrmann, E., ... Herrmann, E. (2023). Chimpanzees prepare for alternative possible outcomes. Biology Letters, 19(6), 20230179.
- Engelmann, J., Haux, L., Schleihauf, H., Völter, C., Call, J., Rakoczy, H., ... Herrmann, E. (2023). Do chimpanzees reason logically?. Child Development, 94(5), 1102-1116.
- Fogiel, A., Hermes, J., Rakoczy, H. & Diesendruck, G. (2023). Infants' biased individuation of in-group members. Cognition, 239, 105561.
- Haskaraca, F. N., Proft, M., Liszkowski, U. & Rakoczy, H. (2023). How robust are egocentric and altercentric interference effects in social cognition? A test with explicit and implicit versions of a continuous false belief task. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
- Outters, V., Hepach, R., Behne, T. & Mani, N. (2023). Children's affective involvement in early word learning. Scientific Reports, 13, 7351.
- Rakoczy, H. (2023). The development of implicit Theory of Mind. In R. Thompson, Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Implicit Cognition. (1). (pp. 336-350). (pp. 336-350): Routledge.
- Schmidt, M., Vaish, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2023). Don’t neglect the middle ground, Inspector Gadget! There is ample space between big special and small ordinary norm psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 0(0), 17456916231187408.
- Schmidt, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2023). Children's acquisition and application of norms. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 5(1).
- Waddington, O., Proft, M., Jensen, K. & Köymen, B. (2023). Five-year-old children value reasons in apologies for belief-based accidents. Child Development, 00, 1-11.
- Barone, P., Wenzel, L., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2022). Do young children track other’s beliefs, or merely their perceptual access? An interactive, anticipatory measure of early theory of mind. Royal Society Open Science, 9, 211278.
- Baumann, L. & Valuch, C. (2022). Priming of natural scene categorization during continuous flash suppression. Consciousness and Cognition, 104, 103387.
- Engelmann, J., Herrmann, E., Proft, M., Keupp, S., Dunham, Y., Rakoczy, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2022). Chimpanzees consider freedom of choice in their evaluation of social action. Biology letters, 18(2), 20210502.
- Rakoczy, H. & Proft, M. (2022). Knowledge before belief ascription? Yes and no (depending on the type of “knowledge” under consideration). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 988754.
- Rakoczy, H. (2022). Puppet studies present clear and distinct windows into the child's mind. Cognitive Development, 61(101147), 7.
- Rakoczy, H. (2022). Foundations of theory of mind and its development in early childhood. Nature Reviews Psychology, (10.1038), 13.
- Schidelko, L., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2022). How do children overcome their pragmatic performance problems in the true belief task? The role of advanced pragmatics and higher-order theory of mind. PLOS ONE, 17(4), e0266959.
- Schidelko, L., Huemer, M., Schröder, L., Lueb, A., Perner, J., Rakoczy, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2022). Why Do Children Who Solve False Belief Tasks Begin to Find True Belief Control Tasks Difficult? A Test of Pragmatic Performance Factors in Theory of Mind Tasks. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 797246.
- Schünemann, B., Schidelko, L., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2022). Children Understand Subjective (Undesirable) Desires Before they Understand Subjective (False) Beliefs. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 213 (2022), 105268.
- Byers-Heinlein, K., Tsui, A. S., Bergmann, C., Black, A., Brown, A., Carbajal, M. J., ... Wermelinger, S. (2021). A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(1), 1-30.
- Eckert, J., Rakoczy, H., Duguid, S., Herrmann, E. & Call, J. (2021). The ape lottery: Chimpanzees fail to consider spatial information when drawing statistical inferences. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8 (3), 305-324.
- Engelmann, J., Völter, C., O'Madagain, C., Proft, M., Haun, D., Rakoczy, H., ... Herrmann, E. (2021). Chimpanzees consider alternative possibilities. Current Biology, 31 (20), R1377-R1378.
- Essa, F., Shilo, R., Diesendruck, G. & Rakoczy, H. (2021). Children explain in- and out-group behavior differently. Social Development.
- Keupp, S., Abedin, F., Jeanson, L., Kade, C., Kalbitz, J., Titchener, R., ... Fischer, J. (2021). Performance-based social comparisons in humans and long-tailed macaques. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8(3), 325-350.
- Mani, N., Schreiner, M. S., Brase, J., Köhler, K., Strassen, K., Postin, D., ... Schultze, T. (2021). Sequential Bayes Factor designs in developmental research: studies on early word learning. Developmental Science. e13097.
- Proft, M., Hoss, C., Manfredini Paredes, K. & Rakoczy, H. (2021). Do children understand desires before they understand beliefs? A comparison of 3-years-olds' grasp of incompatible desires, competitive games and false beliefs. Cognitive Development, 57, 101009.
- Rakoczy, H., Miosga, N. & Schultze, T. (2021). Young children evauate and follow others' arguments when forming and revising beliefs. Social Development, 00, 1-18.
- Schidelko, L., Schünemann, B., Rakoczy, H. & Proft, M. (2021). Online testing yields the same results as lab testing: A validation study with the false belief task. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(4573).
- Schuwerk, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2021). Social Interaction in Infancy. In H.J. Ferguson E.E.F. Bradford (Eds.), The Cognitive Basis of Social Interaction Across The Lifespan. (pp. 27-45). None: Oxford University Press.
- Schünemann, B., Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2021). Children's Developing Understanding of the Subjectivity of Intentions - A Case of "Advanced Theory of Mind". Journal of Cognition and Development. 1-23.
- Schünemann, B., Keller, J., Rakoczy, H., Behne, T. & Bräuer, J. (2021). Dogs distinguish human intentional and unintentional actions. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-9.
- Shilo, R., Weinsdörfer, A., Rakoczy, H. & Diesendruck, G. (2021). Children's prediction of others' behavior based on group vs. individual properties. Cognitive Development, 57.
- Cacchione, T., Abbaspour, S. & Rakoczy, H. (2020). Object Individuation In The Absence Of Kind-Specific Surface Features: Evidence For A Primordial Essentialist Stance?. Journal of Cognition and Development, 21(4), 534-550.
- Miosga, N., Schultze, T., Schulz-Hardt, S. & Rakoczy, H. (2020). Selective Social Belief Revision In Young Children. Journal of Cognition and Development, 21(4), 513-533.
- Outters, V., Schreiner, M., Behne, T. & Mani, N. (2020). Maternal input and infants’ response to infant-directed speech. Infancy. 00:1-22.
- Placi, S., Fischer, J. & Rakoczy, H. (2020). Do infants and preschoolers quantify probabilities based on proportions. Royal Society Open Science, 7(9), 191751.
- Rakoczy, H. (2020). How is the moral stance related to the intentional stance and group thinking?. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 43.
- Rakoczy, H. & Oktay-Gür, N. (2020). Why Do Young Children Look so Smart and Older Children Look so Dumb on True Belief Control Tasks? An Investigation of Pragmatic Performance Factors. Journal of Cognition and Development, (1), 1-27.
- Rakoczy, H. & Haun, D. (2020). Comparative cognition between children and animals. In S. Hupp & J. Jewell, The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. (). None: Wiley.
- Schreiner, M. S., van Schaik, J. E., Sucevic, J., Hunnius, S. & Meyer, M. (2020). Let’s talk action: Infant- directed speech facilitates infants’ action learning. Developmental Psychology, 56(9), 1623-1631.
- Schütte, F., Mani, N. & Behne, T. (2020). Retrospective inferences in selective trust. Royal Society Open Science, 7(2), 1-11.
- The Manybabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24-52.
- Wenzel, L., Dörrenberg, S., Proft, M., Liszkowski, U. & Rakoczy, H. (2020). Actions do not speak louder than words in an interactive false belief task. Royal Society Open Science, 7(10), 191998.
- Dörrenberg, S., Wenzel, L., Proft, M., Rakoczy, H. & Liszkowski, U. (2019). Reliability and generalizability of an acted-out false belief task in 3-year-olds. Infant Behavior and Development, 54, 13-21.
- Engelmann, J. & Tomasello, M. (2019). Children's sense of fairness as equal respect. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23(6), 454-463.
- Hermes, J., Rakoczy, H. & Behne, T. (2019). Making sense of conflicting information – a touchscreen paradigm to measure young children’s selective trust. Infant and Child Development.
- Keupp, S., Titchener, R., Bugnyar, T., Mussweiler, T. & Fischer, J. (2019). Competition Is Crucial For Social Comparison Processes In Long-tailed Macaques. Biology Letters, 15(3), 1-5.
- Kulke, L., Wübker, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Is implicit Theory of Mind real but hard to detect? Testing adults with different stimulus materials. Royal Society Open Science, 6(7).
- Kulke, L., Johannsen, J. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Why can some implicit Theory of Mind tasks be replicated and others cannot? A test of mentalizing versus submentalizing accounts. PLoS ONE, 14(3). 10.1371/journal.pone.0213772.
- Kulke, L. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Testing the role of verbal narration in implicit Theory of Mind tasks. Journal of Cognition & Development.
- Placì, S., Padberg, M., Rakoczy, H. & Fischer, J. (2019). Long-tailed macaques extract statistical information from repeated types of events to make rational decisions under uncertainty. Scientific Reports, 9 (1)(12107).
- Proft, M., Schünemann, B. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Children’s understanding of the aspectuality of intentions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, (181), 17-33.
- Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). The ontogeny of intent-based normative judgments. Developmental Science.
- Proft, M., Dieball, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). What is the cognitive basis of the side-effect effect? An experimental test of competing theories. Mind and Language.
- Rakoczy, H. & Behne, T. (2019). Commitment sharing as crucial step toward a developmentally plausible speech act theory?. Theoretical Linguistics, 45(1-2), 93-97.
- Rakoczy, H. & Cacchione, T. (2019). Comparative metaphysics: Evolutionary and ontogenetic roots of essentialist thought about objects. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. e1497.
- Schmidt, M., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2019). Eighteen-month-old infants correct non-conforming actions by others. Infancy.
- Schmidt, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2019). On the uniqueness of human normative attitudes. In K. Bayertz & N. Roughley (Eds.), (pp. 121–135). : Oxford University Press.
- Shilo, R., Weinsdörfer, A., Rakoczy, H. & Diesendruck, G. (2019). The Out-Group Homogeneity Effect Across Development: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Child Development, 90(6), 2104-2117.
- Dörrenberg, S., Rakoczy, H. & Liszkowski, U. (2018). How (not) to measure infant Theory of Mind: Testing the replicability and validity of four non-verbal measures. Cognitive Development, 46, 12-30.
- Eckert, J., Call, J., Hermes, J., Herrmann, J. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Intuitive statistical inferences in chimpanzees and humans follow Weber's Law. Cognition, (180), 99-107.
- Eckert, J., Rakoczy, H., Call, J., Herrmann, E. & Hanus, D. (2018). Chimpanzees consider humans´ psychological states when drawing statistical inferences. Current Biology, 28(12), 1959-1963.e1953.
- Hermes, J., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). The development of selective trust: Prospects for a dual-process account. Child Development Perspectives, 12(2), 134-138.
- Hermes, J., Behne, T., Bich, A., Thielert, C. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Children's selective trust decisions: rational competence and limiting performance factors. Developmental Science, 21, e12527.
- Keupp, S., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). The rationality of (over-) imitation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(6), 678-687.
- Kulke, L., von Duhn, B., Schneider, D. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Is implicit theory of mind a real and robust phenomenon? Results from a systematic replication study. Psychological Science, 29(6), 888-900.
- Kulke, L., Reiß, M., Krist, H. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). How robust are anticipatory looking measures of Theory of Mind? Replication attempts across the life span. Cognitive Development.
- Oktay-Gür, N., Schulz, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Children exhibit different performance patterns in explicit and implicit theory of mind tasks. Cognition.
- Placi, S., Eckert, J., Rakoczy, H. & Fischer, J. (2018). Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) can use simple heuristics but fail at drawing statistical inferences from populations to samples. Royal Society Open Science.
- Poulin-Dubois, D., Rakoczy, H., Burnside, K., Crivello, C., Dörrenberg, S., Edwards, K., ... et al. (2018). Do infants understand false beliefs? We don’t know yet -- A commentary on Baillargeon, Buttelmann and Southgate’s commentary. Cognitive Development.
- Rakoczy, H. & Cacchione, T. (2018). Essentialism. In J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds.), False. (pp. 1-7). None: Springer International Publishing.
- Rakoczy, H. & Cacchione, T. (2018). Phylogenetic and ontogenetic roots of psychological essentialism. In J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.
- Rakoczy, H. (2018). The development of collective intentionality. In In K. Ludwig & M. Jankovic (Eds.), gar. (). None: London: Routledge.
- Rakoczy, H., Wandt, R., Thomas, S., Nowak, J. & Kunzmann, U. (2018). Theory of mind and wisdom: The development of different forms of perspective-taking in late adulthood. British Journal of Psychology.
- Schmidt, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Developing an understanding of normativity. In A. Newen, L. d. Bruin & S. Gallagher (Eds.), gar. (). None: Oxford University Press.
- Cacchione, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Comparative metaphysics: Thinking about objects in space and time. In J. Call, G. M. Burghardt, I. M. Pepperberg, C. T. Snowdon, & T. Zentall (Eds.), APA handbook of comparative psychology: Perception, learning, and cognition. (pp. 579-599). None: American Psychological Association.
- Eckert, J., Call, J. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Are great apes able to reason from multi-item samples to populations of food items. American Journal of Primatology.
- Fizke, E., Butterfill, S., van de Loo, L., Reindl, E. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Are there signature limits in early theory of mind?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162, 209-224.
- Kulke, L. (2017). The effect of stimulus size and eccentricity on attention shift latencies. Vision, 1(4), 25.
- Kulke, L., Reiß, M., Krist, H. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Implicit Theory of Mind across the life span – Anticipatory looking data. Data in Brief, 15, 712-719.
- Kulke, L. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Implicit Theory of Mind – An overview of current replications and non-replications. Data in Brief.
- Oktay-Gür, N. & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Children’s difficulty with true belief tasks: Competence deficit or performance problem?. Cognition, 162, 28-41.
- Rakoczy, H. (2017). The development of individual and shared intentionality. In J. Kiverstein (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind. (pp. 155-167). None: Routledge.
- Rakoczy, H. (2017). Theory of mind. In B. Hopkins, E. Geangu & S. Linkenauger (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of child development. (pp. 507-514). None: Cambridge University Press.
- Rakoczy, H. (2017). In defense of a developmental dogma: children acquire propositional attitude folk psychology around age 4. Synthese, 194(3), 689-707.
- Schreiner, M. S. & Mani, N. (2017). Listen up! Developmental differences in the impact of IDS on speech segmentation. Cognition, 160, 98-102.
- Cacchione, T., Hrubesch, C., Call, J. & Rakoczy, H. (2016). Are apes essentialists? Scope and limits of psychological essentialism in great apes. Animal Cognition, 19(5), 921-937.
- Hermes, J., Behne, T., Studte, K., Zeyen, A., Gräfenhain, M., Rakoczy, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2016). Selective Cooperation in Early Childhood – How to Choose Models and Partners. PLoS ONE, 11(8), e0160881.
- Josephs, M. & Rakoczy, H. (2016). Young children think you can opt out of social-conventional but not moral practices. Cognitive Development, 39, 197-204.
- Josephs, M., Gräfenhain, M., Kushnir, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2016). Children protest moral and conventional violations more when they believe actions are freely chosen. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141, 247-255.
- Keupp, S., Bancken, C., Schillmöller, J., Rakoczy, H. & Behne, T. (2016). Rational over-imitation: Preschoolers consider material costs and copy causally irrelevant actions selectively. Cognition, 147, 85-92.
- Low, J., Apperly, I., Butterfiil, S. & Rakoczy, H. (2016). Cognitive Architecture of Belief Reasoning in Children and Adults: A Primer on the Two-Systems Account. Child Development Perspectives, 10(3), 184-189.
- Rakoczy, H., Kaufmann, M. & Lohse, K. (2016). Young children understand the normative force of standards of equal resource distribution. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 150, 396-403.
- Schmidt, M., Rakoczy, H., Mietzsch, T. & Tomasello, M. (2016). Young Children Understand the Role of Agreement in Establishing Arbitrary Norms—But Unanimity Is Key. Child Development, 87(2), 612-626.
- Schreiner, M. S., Altvater-Mackensen, N. & Mani, N. (2016). Early word segmentation in naturalistic environments: Limited effects of speech register. Infancy, 21(5), 625-647.
- Hermes, J., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2015). The Role of Trait Reasoning in Young Children’s Selective Trust. Developmental Psychology, 51(11), 1574-1587.
- Keupp, S., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2015). Over-imitation is not automatic: Context-sensitivity in children's over-imitation and action interpretation of causally irrelevant actions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 130, 163-175.
- Lohse, K., Kalitschke, T., Rithmann, K. & Rakoczy, H. (2015). The development of reasoning about the temporal and causal relations between past, present and future events. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 138, 54-70.
- Rakoczy, H. (2015). Comparative metaphysics: the development of representing natural and normative regularities in human and non-human primates. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 14(4), 683-697.
- Rakoczy, H., Fizke, E., Bergfeld, D. & Schwarz, I. (2015). Explicit theory of mind is even more unified than previously assumed: belief ascription and understanding aspectuality emerge together in development. Child Development, 86(2), 486-502.
- Tunçgenç, B., Hohenberger, A. & Rakoczy, H. (2015). Early Understanding of Normativity and Freedom to Act in Turkish Toddlers. Journal of Cognition and Development, 16(1), 44-54.
- Behne, T. (2014). Cultural Learning. In Brooks, P., Kempe, V. (Eds.), (pp. 135-138). : Sage Publications.
- Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2014). Young children create iconic gestures to inform others. Developmental Psychology, 50(8), 2049-2060.
- Fizke, E., Barthel, D., Peters, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2014). Executive function plays a role in coordinating different perspectives, particularly when one’s own perspective is involved. Cognition, 130(3), 315-334.
- Köymen, B., Lieven, E., Engemann, D., Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M., ... Tomasello, M. (2014). Children's Norm Enforcement in Their Interactions With Peers. Child Development, 85(3), 1108-1122.
- Lohse, K., Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2014). Young children understand the normative implications of future-directed speech acts. PLoS ONE, 9(1).
- Rakoczy, H. (2014). What are the relations of thinking about groups and theory of mind? [commentary]. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, 255-256.
- Rakoczy, H. & Cacchione, T. (2014). The developmental and evolutionary origins of psychological essentialism lie in sortal object individuation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 500-501.
- Rakoczy, H., Gräfenhain, M., Clüver, A., Schulze Dalhoff, A. & Sternkopf, A. (2014). Young children’s agent-neutral representations of action roles. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Rakoczy, H., Clüver, A., Saucke, L., Stoffregen, N., Gräbener, A., Migura, J., ... Call, J. (2014). Apes are intuitive statisticians. Cognition, 131(1), 60-68.
- Cacchione, T., Schaub, S. & Rakoczy, H. (2013). Fourteen-month-old infants infer the continuous identity of objects on the basis of nonvisible causal properties. Developmental Psychology, 49(7), 1325-1329.
- Esken, F. & Rakoczy, H. (2013). Metakognition und Mindreading. In A. Stephan & S. Walter (Eds.), Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft. (). None: Metzler.
- Herrmann, E., Keupp, S., Hare, B., Vaish, A. & Tomasello, M. (2013). Direct and indirect reputation formation in nonhuman great apes (Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus) and human children (Homo sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 127, 63-75.
- Keupp, S., Behne, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2013). Why do children over-imitate? Normativity is crucial. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 392-406.
- Rakoczy, H. (2013). Entwicklung des Selbstkonzepts. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), (). : Hans Huber.
- Rakoczy, H. (2013). Entwicklung sozialer Kognition. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), (). : Hans Huber.
- Rakoczy, H. & Schmidt, M. (2013). The early ontogeny of social norms. Child Development Perspectives, 7(1), 17-21.
- Schmidt, M., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2013). Young children understand and defend the entitlements of others. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113(4), 930-944.
- Behne, T., Liszkowski, U., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2012). Twelve-month-olds’ comprehension and production of pointing. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 359-375.
- Matthews, D., Behne, T., Lieven, E. & Tomasello, M. (2012). Origins of the human pointing gesture: a training study. Developmental Science, 15(6), 817-829.
- Rakoczy, H. (2012). Do infants have a theory of mind?. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 30(1), 59-74.
- Rakoczy, H., Harder-Kasten, A. & Sturm, L. (2012). The decline of theory of mind in old age is (partly) mediated by developmental changes in domain-general abilities. British Journal of Psychology, 103, 58-72.
- Rakoczy, H. & Haun, D. (2012). Vor- und nichtsprachliche Kognition: Ontogenese und Evolution. In W. Schneider & U. Lindenberger (Eds.), Entwicklungspsychologie. 7. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. (pp. 337-362). None: Beltz.
- Schmidt, M., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2012). Young children enforce social norms selectively depending on the violator’s group affiliation. Cognition, 124(3), 325-333.
- Wyman, E., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2012). Non-verbal communication enables children’s coordination in a ‘‘Stag Hunt’’ game. European Journal of Developmental Psychology.
- Callaghan, T., Moll, H., Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., Liszkowski, U., Behne, T., ... Behne, T. (2011). Early social cognition in three cultural contexts. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 76(2), vii-125.
- Mendes, N., Rakoczy, H. & Call, J. (2011). Primates do not spontaneously use shape properties for object individuation: A competence or a performance problem?. Animal Cognition, 14, 407-414.
- Rossano, F., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2011). Young children’s understanding of violations of property rights. Cognition, 123(2), 219-227.
- Schmidt, M., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2011). Young children attribute normativity to novel actions without pedagogy or normative language. Developmental Science, 14(3), 530-539.
- Wyman, E. & Rakoczy, H. (2011). Social conventions, institutions and human uniqueness: lessons from children and chimpanzees. In W. Welsch, W. Singer & A. Wunder (Eds.), Interdisciplinary anthropology. (pp. 131-156). None: Springer.
- Abraham, A., Rakoczy, H., Werning, M., von Cramon, D. & Schubotz, R. (2010). Matching mind to world and vice versa: Functional dissociations between belief and desire mental state processing. Social Neuroscience, 5(1), 1-18.
- Grosse, G., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2010). Infants communicate in order to be understood. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1710-1722.
- Rakoczy, H. (2010). From thought to language to thought: Towards a dialectical picture of the development of thinking and speaking. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 81, 79-105.
- Rakoczy, H. (2010). Executive function and the development of belief-desire psychology. Developmental Science, 13(4), 648-661.
- Rakoczy, H., Hamann, K., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2010). Bigger knows better – young children selectively learn rule games from adults rather than from peers. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, (28), 785-798.
- Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children's understanding of joint commitments. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1430-1443.
- Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2009). One-year-olds' understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24(1), 23-33.
- Keupp, S., Herrmann, E., Vaish, A. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Social evaluations in great apes and human children. Poster presented at The Primate Mind meeting, June 4-7, Erice, Sicily.
- Liebal, K., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Infants use shared experience to interpret pointing gestures. Developmental Science, 12(2), 264-271.
- Matsui, T., Rakoczy, H., Miura, Y. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Understanding of speaker certainty and false-belief reasoning: A comparison of Japanese and German preschoolers. Developmental Science, 12(4), 602-613.
- Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Done wrong or said wrong? Young children understand the normative directions of fit of different speech acts. Cognition, 13(2), 205-212.
- Rakoczy, H. (2009). Kinds of selves: A comparative view on the development of intentionality and self-consciousness. In W. Mack & G. Reuter (Eds.), (). : Akademie Verlag.
- Rakoczy, H. (2009). Review of Margolis & Laurence (Eds.) (2007) "Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and their Representations". Philosophical Psychology.
- Rakoczy, H. (2009). Die wollen doch nur spielen. So-tun-als-ob als Wiege von Darstellung und Perspektivität?. In J. Klein (Ed.), (pp. 74-87). : Verlag Theater der Zeit.
- Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children’s selective learning of rule games from reliable and unreliable models. Cognitive Development, 24, 61-69.
- Rakoczy, H., Brosche, N., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children’s understanding of the context relativity of normative rules in conventional games. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 445-456.
- Wyman, E., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children understand multiple pretend identities in their object play. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2, 385-404.
- Wyman, E., Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2009). Normativity and context in young children’s pretend play. Cognitive Development, 24(2), 146-155.
- Abraham, A., Werning, M., Rakoczy, H., von Cramon, D. & Schubotz, R. (2008). The neural underpinnings of higher-order intentionality: Decomposing the theory-of-mind network. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 438-450.
- Behne, T., Carpenter, M., Gräfenhain, M., Liebal, K., Liszkowski, U., Moll, H., ... Rakoczy, H. (2008). Cultural learning and creation. In U. Müller, J. Carpendale, N. Budwig & B. Sokol (Eds.), (pp. 65-102). : New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Mendes, N., Rakoczy, H. & Call, J. (2008). Ape metaphysics: Object individuation without language. Cognition, 106(2), 730-749.
- Rakoczy, H. (2008). Pretence as individual and collective intentionality. Mind and Language, 23(5), 499-517.
- Rakoczy, H. (2008). Du, Ich, Wir: Zur Entwicklung sozialer Kognition bei Mensch und Tier. In R. Schubotz (Ed.), (pp. 93-109). : Paderborn: Mentis.
- Rakoczy, H. (2008). Collective intentionality and uniquely human cognition. In E. Neumann-Held & L. Röska-Hardy (Eds.), (5, pp. 105-121). : London: Psychology Press.
- Rakoczy, H. (2008). Taking fiction seriously: Young children understand the normative structure of joint pretend games. Developmental Psychology, 44(4), 1195-1201.
- Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2008). Kollektive Intentionalität und kulturelles Lernen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 56(3), 401-410.
- Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2008). The sources of normativity: Young children’s awareness of the normative structure of games. Developmental Psychology, 44(3), 875-881.
- Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2007). The ontogeny of social ontology: Steps to shared intentionality and status functions. In S. L. Tsohatzidis (Ed.), (6, pp. 113-137). : Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Rakoczy, H. (2007). Play, games, and the development of collective intentionality. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 115, 53-67.
- Rakoczy, H. (2007). Social cognition and social practice. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 33-38.
- Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2007). "This way!" "No! That way!"---3-year olds know that two people can have mutually incompatible desires. Cognitive Development, 22, 47-68.
- Rakoczy, H. (2006). Pretend play and the development of collective intentionality. Cognitive Systems Research, 7, 113-127.
- Rakoczy, H. & Tomasello, M. (2006). Two-year-olds’ grasp the intentional structure of pretense acts. Developmental Science, 9(6), 558-565.
- Rakoczy, H., Tomasello, M. & Striano, T. (2006). The role of experience and discourse in children's developing understanding of pretend play actions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24(2), 305-335.
- Barrett, H. & Behne, T. (2005). Children's understanding of death as the cessation of agency: a test using sleep versus death. Cognition, 96(2), 93-108.
- Behne, T., Carpenter, M., Call, J. & Tomasello, M. (2005). Unwilling versus unable: Infants’ understanding of intentional action. Developmental Psychology, 41(2), 328-337.
- Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M. (2005). One-year-olds comprehend the communicative intentions behind gestures in a hiding game. Developmental Science, 8(6), 492-499.
- Rakoczy, H., Tomasello, M. & Striano, T. (2005). How children turn objects into symbols: A cultural learning account. In L. Namy (Ed.), Symbol use and symbol representation (pp. 67-97). New York: Erlbaum..
- Rakoczy, H. (2005). On tools and toys: How children learn to act on and pretend with 'virigin' objects. Developmental Science, 8(1), 57-73.
- Tomasello, M., Carpenter, M., Call, J., Behne, T. & Moll, H. (2005). Understanding and sharing intentions: The ontogeny of cultural cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 675-735.
- Chen, X., Striano, T. & Rakoczy, H. (2004). Auditory oral-matching in newborns. Developmental Science, 7(1), 42-47.
- Rakoczy, H., Tomasello, M. & Striano, T. (2004). Young children know that trying is not pretending - a test of the "behaving-as-if" construal of children's early concept of "pretense". Developmental Psychology, 40(3), 388-399.