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Moral dilemmas during corona pandemic

Even though there is a large amount of research on moral decision-making, most dilemmas that are used are very abstract from real life (e.g. trolley dilemmas). In case of the corona virus outbreak in late 2019/ early 2020 in that started in Wuhan, China there suddenly is a pandemic crisis that affects the whole world and poses a variety of real-life moral dilemmas. Even more interestingly, these moral dilemmas occur on different levels. Some are personal, some are posed on structural and societal levels, including economic decision-making. The goal of the current study is to investigate how moral decision-making is influenced by personal exposure to a crisis, how personal and timely proximity plays a role and how it is perceived in three different societies (Iran, Italy, Germany) that have different peaks of the outbreak and a different approach of dealing with the situation by their respective governments.



Online survey



Demel, R., Grassi, F., Schacht, A. (2020). A case of real-life moral dilemmas: a cross-cultural longitudinal study during the corona pandemic. Open Science Framework. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8UBCV



Ronja K. Demel, M.Sc,