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The development and validation of a contemporary German conservatism questionnaire

The concept of conservatism is becoming increasingly relevant in science. Thus, it is surprising that most studies rely on single item scales of conservatism or use outdated questionnaire. In addition, most of the research on political conservatism has been done in the US and is biased towards one political system. In Germany as well as in other European countries the diversity of parties is much greater and in some cases, much more complex as the parties cannot be aligned on a conservatism scale in a linear fashion. The aim of this project is to fill this gap by designing and validating a questionnaire that can measure political orientation in a German sample and to use this questionnaire to measure how conservatives and progressives differ with regard to well established personality factors (e.g. Big Five Personality Traits).



Demel, R., Pooresmaeili, A., Schacht, A. (2019). A Contemporary German Conservatism Questionnaire. Open Science Framework. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/PZUSH 


Poster presentation

Demel R, Pooresmaeili, A., Schacht A. (2019). A new measure for assessing political attitudes and its relation to personality traits Poster presentation at the Workshop on the development of political thought, Padova, IT 04-05 October 2019



Ronja K. Demel, M.Sc,