Everyday life

How do we experience anxiety or depressed mood in everyday life? How dynamically do symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression change in everyday life? How does psychotherapy change everyday experience and behavior? While our research in the laboratory gives us very controlled insights into mental disorders, everyday life situations are usually much more complex. Through repeated measurements in everyday life, e.g. by smartphones, we investigate the dynamic changes of emotional experience and behavior under these complex conditions. We are also planning a first study to investigate how certain psychotherapeutic methods (esp. exposure) change this everyday experience.

Exemplary publications:

Glück, V., Engelke, P., Hilger, K., Wong, A. H. K., Boschet, J. M., & Pittig, A. (2021). A network perspective on real-life threat, anxiety, and avoidance. PsyArXiv, 10.31234/osf.io/jnx36

Pittig, A., Glück, V. M., Boschet, J. M., Wong, A. H. K., & Engelke, P. (2021). Increased Anxiety of Public Situations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From a Community and a Patient Sample. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 3(2), 1-17. 10.32872/cpe.4221