Becker, Sebastian

Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology

Consultation: on appointment



07/2013 - 07/2014 Member of the Systemic Coaching for Junior Professionals program led by instructors from the ISB Wiesloch
2012 - 2013 Member of the interdisciplinary TRANSDISS project initialized by the Network Technology Assessment (NTA), funded by BMBF
since 10/2011 doctoral student in the PhD programm "Biodiversity and Society" and member of the Department for Social and Communication Psychology (Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos)
10/2010 - 02/2011 graduate student from the basic track "Design Thinking" of the at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam
02/2007 - 01/2009 doctoral student at the GGNB program "Biomolecules", scientific member at the Max-Planck-Institute for biophysical Chemistry in the group of Dr. Kollmar (unfinished phd)
01/2007 Diploma thesis: Development, Implementation and Application of a Java-based workflow-   algorithm for analysis of gene expression data in cooperation with the company BIOBASE GmbH in Wolfenbüttel, Grade: very good
10/1999 - 01/2007 Studies of Biology at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.
Major: microbiology; Minor: zoology, genetics and informatics (main focus: bioinformatics and biological databases)



Talks and presentations



  • 10. Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (NGU) at the University of Flensburg, 09/2013 (poster) [link to the agenda]
  • Tagung "Politische und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen durch den Klimawandel" at KWI in Essen, 05/2013 (talk) [link to website]
  • Bundestagung "Lernort Bauernhof" in Altenkirchen, 02/2013 (poster presentation) [link to my poster as PDF file]



  • ScienceSlam in Göttingen. Becker S. (2012). Vom Parasiten zum Förderer des Planeten Erde, 12/2012 (talk)
  • Internationale Tagung "Biodiversität und Gesellschaft" an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen. Becker S. und Scheibler U. (2012). Wer sind eigentlich die Change Agents? Analyse der Beziehungskultur von Menschen die sich für den Schutz der Biodiversität einsetzen am Beispiel des Göttinger Uni-Projekts PermaKulturRaum. 11/2012 (talk + poster)
  • RIC Herbsttag(ung) und Netzwerktreffen bei Research in Community in Freiburg. Becker S. (2012). Change Agents und ihre Beziehungskultur innerhalb ihrer Netzwerke. 11/2012 (talk + poster)
  • Geisteswissenschaftliche Einblicke, Projektpräsentationen im Rahmen des Tages des GSGG
    Becker S. (2012). "Vitamin-B" brauchts auch zum Weltretten: wie sieht die Beziehungskultur von Change Makern aus? 10/2012 (talk + poster)
  • Sustainability Summit an der Leuphana: Becker S. (2012). Activity in the Garden – How does a permaculture garden nourish a more active society? 02/2012 (poster)



  • Interdisziplinäres Expertentreffen im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm, 08/2011 (talk)



Winter term 2013/14 Permakultur I, Projektmodul B.ÖSM.210 (in cooperation with Uwe Scheibler)
Summer term 2014 Permakultur II, Projektmodul B.ÖSM.220 (in cooperation with Uwe Scheibler)