Pagel, Manuela

Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology

Room: 3.113
Phone: +49 (0)551 39-9759
Consultation: Friday 9 -10 am



2014 - now


2016 - 2017

Doctoral student and scientific assistant in the department for Social and Communication Psychology (Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos) at the Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of psychology


Parental leave

2012 -


Master studies of Psychology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen

2008 -


Bachelor studies of Psychology at the Chemnitz University of Technology

2004 -


Education in medical and health care, afterwards occupation as a nurse



Communication, coordination and workload in medical teams (SOTOS)

Communikation between physicians, patients and their relatives (KEEPINg)


Working title of my dissertation

"Evaluation of a technical noise reduction system during protracted open heart surgery"

Primary driver of this study is the noise pollution in the operating theatre during surgery, and its impact on staff members and therefore probably on patient safety. (SOTOS)



Winter term 2018 / 2019     Social and Communication Psychology (M.Sc.)

Summer term 2018            Communication and coordination in groups (M.Sc.)

Winter term 2017 /2018      Social and Communication Psychology (M.Sc.)

Winter term 2015 / 2016    Industrial, Organizational, and Economic Psychology II (B. Sc.)

Summer term 2015            Teamwork and Leadership in Organizations (M. Sc.)

Winter term 2014 / 2015    Industrial, Organizational, and Economic Psychology II (B. Sc.)


Conference contributions

Pagel, M., Boos, M., Russo, S., Thormann, T, & Friedrich, M. (2015, Oktober) Impact of a noise reduction system on staff members’ stress experience, communication and teamwork during surgery. Poster presentation at the 9th International Meeting on Behavioural Science Applied to Surgery and Acute Care Settings (BSAS 2015).



Friedrich, M. G., Boos M., Pagel M., Thormann T., Berakdar A., Russo S., & Tirilomis T. (2017). New technical solution to minimise noise exposure for surgical staff: the ‘silent operating theatre optimisation system’. BMJ Innov; 0:1-10. doi:10.1136/bmjinnov-2016-000188