Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Publikationen Bezugsquellen therap. Materialien und Ressourcen im TBZ/Dokument mit Hinweisen veröffentlicht Jan Lehrke Effects of the noise reduction and communication management headset system SLOS on noise and stress of medical laboratory workers Petition Finanzierung Weiterbildung - bis 01.06. zeichnen UMG Schmerzmedizin sucht Psycholog*in (Teilzeit) Stability and change of individual differences in ideal partner preferences over 13 years Ideal partner preferences for traits in a partner are said to be stable cognitive constructs. However, longitudinal studies investigating the same participants’ ideals repeatedly have so far been limited to relatively short retest intervals of a maximum of 3 years. Here, we investigate the stability and change of ideals across 13 years and participants’ insight into how ideals have changed. A total of 204 participants (M = 46.2 years, SD = 7.4, 104 women) reported their ideals at two time points. We found a mean rank-order stability of r = .42 and an overall profile stability of r = .73 (distinctive r = .53). Some ideals changed over time, for example, increased for status-resources in relation to age and parenthood. We found some but varying insight into how ideals had changed (mean r = .20). Results support the idea of ideals being stable cognitive constructs but suggest some variability related to the demands of different life stages. Strack, Micha, Dr. habil Flyer Student to Student Coaching S2S - Coaching Student to student coaching The facial foundations of social decay Neuro-cognitive Mechanisms of Social Learning of Emotion Identification of parameters for human mental states to advance dynamic human-robot interaction Anap_group pic.jpeg Stellenausschreibung Prof. Marcella Woud/TBZ IT-Arbeitsgruppe Kausales Denken (Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt) Forschungskolloquium Experimentelle Psychologie kolloquium-SS2023-poster-corporate.png 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte